Monday, February 3, 2014

1 Month Old

Where has the time gone? Deacon and Aniston have been bringing joy into our lives for 31 days. The twins are officially one month today!!
Not only did our babies turn one month, but Joe went back to work. I feel so lucky that Joe was able to take 4 weeks off. He was there to share in every special moment of their first month and was so helpful! Having twins is not easy and I couldn’t do it without him by my side!

Weight: Deacon is exactly 9 lbs and Aniston is 8 lbs 2 oz. Deacon is a stocky little guy and Aniston is his perfect dainty match!

Sleep: It hasn’t been too bad. From the moment we brought the twins home, we made sure to get them on the same schedule. They eat, nap, and sleep at the same time. During the night they are sleeping in 3 hour stretches. I am sure one or the other would sleep longer, but since we want them on the same schedule… if one is awake to feed, we wake the other. We have established a nightly routine of baths, jammies and swaddles, feeding time, and story time. It is amazing how they know the moment they get into their swaddle that it is bedtime.

Eating: We recently upped their food intake. They are both eating 4 oz at every feeding and do this every 3 hours. Deacon has a weak tummy and requires a lot of “burp time” during his feedings. If he doesn’t burp well, he is bound to spit up. Annie on the other hand rarely burps and almost never spits up. She is one tough cookie.

Clothing: Deacon and Aniston are still wearing newborn clothing and will be for quite some time. Many of their newborn outfits are too big on them still! We usually go through 2 outfits (or more) a day. They love to spit up and pee on their clothing….Just today both occurred! So, let’s just say, I am doing LOTS of laundry.

Mood: They have both already developed their own little personalities. Deacon is rather laid back. He can self soothe and put himself to sleep. He loves lying alone in his crib and staring up at the lights. He doesn’t mind being put down and left alone. Aniston is the opposite. She loves human contact (Joe says she is just like me). She wants mommy to hold her often and wants to be rocked to sleep. She can be fussy, but it usually is because she wants more attention.

▪   Music: Joe has always been a music fanatic and he constantly listened to music or played his guitar throughout my pregnancy. I think the twins remember this because music really soothes them. We listen to it each morning and on car rides. They are wide-eyed with wonder each and every time.
▪   Singing: This falls into the same category as music, except we sing very specific songs each day. During our morning “happy time” the twins and I sing “If You’re Happy and You Know It” and “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”. As we sing, I point out the corresponding body parts. I know they are newborns, but its never to young to build vocabulary.
▪   Their Lambies: Joe’s brother got them vibrating rockers that are cozy and look like lambs. They love sleeping in their lambs and look so peaceful when they are snuggled inside. I am very grateful for these!

▪   Their Hands: Deacon and Aniston are both fascinated by their hands. They love waving them around and trying to place them in their mouth. This has caused mommy some problems because their nails grow SO fast and I cannot keep them short enough. We have had numerous scratches on our little faces because of this!
What I Want to Remember:
▪   Their sweet newborn faces: Joe and I are so in love with them and cannot help taking tons of pictures. I know this can be a bit overkill, but they will only be this small once. So Joe and I are soaking it ALL up.
▪   Their sweet smiles: I love when Deacon and Aniston smile! They are still too little to know they are smiling and they do it at the strangest moments, but it is so special! My heart melts…

This month has flown by! We are now the parents to two beautiful babies, we moved hundreds of miles away from my family, we learned so many new things, and we are BEYOND happy!

Happy 1 Month Deacon and Annie. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Deacon and Aniston's Birth Story

January 2, 2014 was a special day. Joe and I were celebrating 4 years of marriage and looking back on all the wonderful memories we have created together as a couple. As we enjoyed a romantic dinner we talked about the future and how the next day our lives would forever change. That day, January 3, 2014, was the day our twins entered the world!  

As I looked back on my pregnancy I couldn't believe it was over! I had carried the twins to full term with no complications or risks. I had worked the entire beginning of the school year and spent many hours on my feet. Joe and I had spent numerous nights discussing our future plans. What would their names be? How would we decorate their nursery? What would they look like? All of these questions would be answered very soon!

We had scheduled a C-section with my doctor from the very beginning. He had explained all the benefits and risks to us for all of our options. After these discussions, Joe and I had decided that delivering the twins via C-section was our safest and preferred option. This option became all the more real when we saw that Baby A was breech and had NO room to turn. A C-section now was our safest choice without a doubt. As my due date drew closer many were surprised that I was still holding out. Twins are usually delivered early and even my doctor was surprised I had not shown any signs of labor. At my weekly check-ups I was healthy and not dilated one bit! This was when we picked the date of January 3rd. I would be exactly 38 weeks on that day and my doctor did not want them in any longer. Joe and I now knew when we would meet our babies!

38 weeks had flown by and as I woke up that morning I knew I was going to become a mother. The hospital bags were packed (I brought way too much with me to the hospital) and we were on our way! Joe and I arrived at the hospital at 7:30 am and were escorted into the labor and delivery area of the hospital. We would spend the next 2-3 hours preparing for the surgery. During this time many things occurred… I was given an IV, the twins heart rates were monitored closely, a variety of medications were given to help with the surgery, and Joe was prepped to enter the O.R. in his scrubs. Many experts visited (the anesthesiologist, baby nurse, and my doctor) and explained what was in store! These hours drug on for what seemed like days! I was so nervous and could not shake the chills that had overcome my body. I had never had major surgery and this was the source of all my fears. I wasn't scared to meet our babies… that was the part that was going to make this all worthwhile.


At around 10:15 we entered the Operating Room. I was taken in 15 minutes before Joe so that they could prep me and get the room ready for the twins’ arrival. The operating room was extremely bright and full of the sounds of machines. The anesthesiologist had me sit on the edge of the operating table and administered the epidural. This was when my nerves really kicked in. My heart rate rose rapidly and the anesthesiologist kept telling me to take a deep breath and calm down. As they laid me down on the operating table I began asking a lot of questions. It was strange to me that I could feel them moving and touching my body. I knew that within minutes my doctor was going to be cutting in to me and I in no way wanted to feel that! I was assured by all of the kind nurses that everything I was feeling was normal and that no pain would be felt.

I felt a hundred times better when they brought Joe in and he sat next to me holding my hand! Dr. Folkestad then entered and exclaimed, “Let’s have some babies!” He began the operation and by the sounds I knew we were on our way to meeting the twins. At 10:40 am Dr. Folkestad pulled out Deacon Wesley Suarez. He held him high above the barricade separation and then handed him off to the baby nurse and he declared “Wow, he is a big boy!” So many emotions came over me all at once. He was so perfect and I was amazed that he had just come out of me! The doctor then said, “I think there is something else in here!” At 10:41 am I delivered Aniston Paige Suarez. She entered the world loud and proud! Dr. Folkestad held her where I could see and then she went off to be cleaned up. Joe followed the babies to the other side of the room and looked on as they were cleaned, weighed, and measured. It was announced that Deacon was 6lb 11oz and 20 ½ inches long and Aniston was 6lb 6oz and 20 inches long. All of the nurses kept saying how healthy they were and what a nice size for twins. They soon brought the babies over for “Skin to Skin Contact” and it was so amazing to see Joe holding our children. He instantly changed from my husband to a daddy!

Deacon Arrives!

Aniston is Here!!

Deacon being weighed!

Annie has her foot print taken

Deacon is a happy boy

Annie loved her daddy from the first moment!
Deacon has his chest measured

Aniston is weighed!

Throughout the surgery I felt extremely nauseous. Once I saw and touched the babies, the anesthesiologist gave me a cocktail to help with the nausea and to calm me down a bit. Man… it was a strong cocktail. Before I knew it I was in recovery holding Aniston and I was not quite sure how I had gotten there. After some time in recovery, I was wheeled into the room where Joe, myself, and the twins would spend the next 3 days. This was when I really had a chance to love on and look the babies over. Right away I noticed how different they were! Deacon was all boy and had such beautiful olive skin and Aniston was so dainty with perfect fair skin. They were beautiful and we were both instantly in love!

The first day in the hospital was filled with extreme nausea. I did not handle the medication well and puked numerous times. The nurses were wonderful and assured me that it would pass (it did). I was in some pain from the incision, but the pain medication that I was give every 4 hours made it all go away! I was so grateful for those magic pills. It made having a C-Section a piece of cake. My family arrived and loved on the babies! Everyone was so happy and the joy that filled the room could be felt by all. It was such a blessing…We had two gorgeous and healthy babies.

My birth experience was not typical, but I wouldn't change anything. My doctor and the nurses took wonderful care of all 4 of us and made this big moment in our lives one we will always look back on fondly. I am so thankful to all those who shared in our big day. Thank you to our families and friends that made the effort to come and visit, bring food, and spoil the twins with gifts! You all are so special to us and will forever be in our lives.

Welcome to the world Deacon and Aniston. You are loved more than you will ever know!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Update Weeks 25-26

How far along: Week 25-26!

What are the Twins up to?:
Week 25: Baby Fat
Head to heels, the babies now measure about 13 1/2 inches. Their weight — 1 1/2 pounds — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange their long, lean look for some baby fat. As they do, their wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. They are also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

Week 26: I Hear You!
The network of nerves in the babies ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. They may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. They’re inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of their lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when they are born and takes that first gulp of air. And they’re continuing to put on baby fat. They now weigh about 1 2/3 pounds and measures 14 inches (about the size of a scallion) from head to heel.
Maternity clothes: YES! I have gotten a few really cute maternity tops from Target and some dresses from Old Navy. I hope to not have to buy many more items. We have about 2 ½ months left and I don’t want to spend any more money!
Sleep: Sleep comes and goes! There are nights when I sleep like a baby and other nights when I toss and turn all night. I think it depends on how anxious I am feeling. When I start to think about all the new responsibilities that are on their way… I have a hard time getting the shut eye I SO need!  
Best moment of this week: Ordering the Twins crib skirts. I have not done much of anything for the nursery and so this was a big step. I know what I want their room to look like and have a clear vision, so it feels good to have found the crib skirt that fits all my needs. I knew from the beginning I did NOT want to buy a crib bedding set. So many of them have “Characters” on them and are not my style. Plus, due to safety risks I am not going to do bumpers. I have heard too many horror stories! So, when I found a lady on Etsy that makes crib skirts I was so excited. I can’t wait until they arrive later this month!
Miss anything: These past few weeks I have missed my sense of “calm”. I feel that there is so much to do and so little time. I seem to always be worried. Sometimes about the responsibilities… but usually about the babies. Now that they are moving, I worry when I go awhile without feeling them. My mom has told me that the worrying will never end and it shows I care. I look forward to relaxing… even though it wont be for quite some time!
Movement: Yup! There are days when they are very active and then there are days when they super relaxed. Both Joe and my little sister have felt them when touching my tummy. Joe LOVES it and it is so funny when he will try and feel them and they stop moving. It’s almost like they are saying “Haha Dad, we got you!”
Food cravings: This week I have returned to my true love of Mexican food. I want chips and salsa all of the time! It has always been my favorite, so I don’t know if I should call it a craving!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I has some good days this week. I woke up and didn’t feel nauseous at all.  It was such a nice change of pace. But, then there are the days that I still get sick… which I am not an expert at!
Have you started to show yet: Hello Babies! They are defiantly out for the world to see. The bump is in full swing!
Gender: One of each! Boy and Girl!
Labor signs: Still too early… hold off for 10 more weeks!
Belly button in or out: In still! Thank goodness…
Happy or moody most of the time: I feel pretty good most days. It has been hard to work and be on my feet all day at times, so I do see myself get grumpy around 3 each afternoon. But, once I get home and relax… I feel much better!
Looking forward to: Our trip to California this weekend! Big changes are coming once the babies are born and I am excited to begin the process!
Fun Twin Fact #6: Polar bears most commonly give birth to twins and on rare occasions triplets.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bump Update Weeks 20-23

How far along: Weeks 20-23!

What are the Twins up to?:
Week 20: The halfway point
Halfway into your pregnancy, or 18 weeks after conception, you might be able to feel your baby's first movements, also known as quickening. If you've been pregnant before, you might have begun feeling your baby's movements a few weeks ago.
By now your baby might be about 6 1/3 inches (160 millimeters) long from crown to rump.

Week 21: Baby can swallow
Twenty-one weeks into your pregnancy, or 19 weeks after conception, your baby is poised to gain more weight. By this week your baby is becoming more active and is able to swallow.

Week 22: Baby's hair becomes visible
Baby B-GIRL                                                                                        Baby A-BOY
Twenty-two weeks into your pregnancy, or 20 weeks after conception, your baby is completely covered with a fine, down-like hair called lanugo. The lanugo helps hold the vernix caseosa on the skin. Your baby's eyebrows might be visible.
By now your baby might be 7 1/2 inches (190 millimeters) long from crown to rump and weigh 1 pound (460 grams).

Week 23: Fingerprints and footprints form
Twenty-three weeks into your pregnancy, or 21 weeks after conception, your baby's skin is wrinkled, more translucent than before and pink to red in color.
This week your baby begins to have rapid eye movements. Your baby's tongue will soon develop taste buds. Fingerprints and footprints are forming. For boys, the testes are descending from the abdomen. For girls, the uterus and ovaries are in place — complete with a lifetime supply of eggs.
With intensive medical care, some babies born this week might be able to survive.

Maternity clothes: I went on a shopping strip during week 21 with my momma! It was not a fun experience. I soon realized that the women working in maternity stores work on commission and they would NOT leave me alone. What I hope would be a fun and relaxing shopping day, was stressful. The lady kept bringing me clothes I would NEVER wear! By the end of our outing I was exhausted, but I did get s few cute items. I am lucky to still fit into some old dresses and leggings have been my best friend!
Sleep: Sleep has become a bit harder! As these little ones continue to grow… they are making it hard for momma to get comfortable at night. I sure do miss sleeping on my stomach!
Best moment of this week: Finishing our move! Joe and I sold our house and spent a great deal of time within the last month packing and organizing. It was very stressful and in no way relaxing! The good news is… WE ARE DONE! The house closed a few weeks ago and we have been enjoying time together again. We are currently living with my mom until the babies come. This will allow for us to save a ton of money and it has been so nice having her help! She is spoiling us with home cooked meals and delicious lunches at work! I am so lucky to have her help and support.
Miss anything: With the weather cooling down and fall arriving, I am missing Pumpkin Spice Lattes. I loved when Starbucks came out with the Latte every year and have heard many friends discussing that it is out again! This has made me miss my coffee J
Movement: Movement has still been few and far between! I went to the Dr. at 22 weeks for a quick scan of our baby girl’s heart. While at this appointment I was able to see that they are moving around A LOT! I just can’t feel them all the time. The ultrasound tech told me to count my blessings. She explained how with TWINS movement is never ending. She told me that once I start feeling them there will be no end in sight… until birth!
Food cravings: I still don’t know how many “Cravings” I am really having. I am hungry ALL of the time, but I tend to gravitate towards the foods I have always loved!
Anything making you queasy or sick: The sickness is still here. It has subsided some in the last few weeks and I have had days where I didn’t get sick at all. But, when I think “Yes, that is the end”, it seems to always return!
Have you started to show yet: Oh goodness yes! I am now getting the questions of ‘When are you due?”
Gender: One of each! Boy and Girl!
Labor signs: Still too early…
Belly button in or out: In still! Thank goodness…
Happy or moody most of the time: I have been very happy lately. Every time we get to go to the Dr. and see the babies, I am so overjoyed! I have seen them a lot lately, so I am quite cheerful!
Looking forward to: Going with Joe to registrar! We figured that since they will be here before we know it… we had better get some things! At this point we have gotten nothing! But, I do have stroller and cribs picked out… so they will be ordered soon!!!
Fun Twin Fact #5: Once you have fraternal twins, you are 3 to 4 times more likely to have another set! (Ummmm… not ok)